Unlocking the magic of film scheduling: A step-by-step guide to crafting a call sheet for a film set.

Portrait of Sophie Campbell

07/13/2023 4 min

by Sophie Campbell

What are callsheets?

Callsheets are essential documents used in the film industry to provide detailed information about the day's shooting schedule to the cast and crew. They serve as a reference for everyone involved in the production and include crucial details such as the shooting location, call times, scenes to be filmed, cast members required, special instructions, and other relevant information.

how to create a callsheet

Creating a callsheet typically involves the following steps

  1. Gather necessary information:
    Collect all the essential details required for the callsheet, including the shooting schedule, scene breakdown, cast and crew contact information, location details, and any special requirements for the day.
  2. Use callsheet templates:
    There are various software applications and online templates available that can help you create a professional callsheet. These templates provide a structured format that ensures you include all the necessary information. Make sure to check out our app filmlet, designed specifically for filmmakers to keep their cast & crew up-to-date.
  3. Customize the callsheet:
    Once you have a template, you can start customizing it by filling in the specific details for the day's shoot. Ensure that you include the production title, shooting date, shooting location, weather conditions, and any additional notes or instructions.
  4. Provide contact information:
    Include contact details for key personnel such as the director, production manager, assistant director, and department heads. This allows the cast and crew to quickly reach out to the relevant people if they have any questions or concerns.
  5. Include the shooting schedule:
    List the scenes to be filmed on that particular day, along with the corresponding scene numbers, locations, and estimated shooting times. You can also include details about any special equipment or props required for each scene.
  6. Note call times:
    Indicate the call times for each cast and crew member. This includes the time they need to arrive on set, get into makeup and wardrobe, and be ready for the first shot. Make sure to specify the call times separately for different roles and departments.
  7. Provide special instructions:
    If there are any special instructions or notes for the day, such as specific safety protocols, technical requirements, or changes to the shooting plan, make sure to include them clearly in the callsheet.
  8. Distribute the callsheet:
    Once the callsheet is finalized, distribute it to the relevant cast and crew members. This can be done through email, digital platforms, or physical copies, depending on the production's preferences.

Key elements that are important and essential to be included in a callsheet

  • Production details: Title, shooting date, and location.
  • Call times: Clearly state the arrival times for each person involved in the production.
  • Shooting schedule: Provide a detailed breakdown of scenes to be filmed, scene numbers, and estimated shooting times.
  • Cast and crew contact information: Include phone numbers and email addresses for key personnel.
  • Special instructions: Communicate any specific requirements.
  • Weather conditions: If shooting outdoors, mention the anticipated weather conditions and any contingency plans.
  • Safety information: Highlight important safety protocols and guidelines.
  • Department-specific information: Include any department-specific details, such as props, wardrobe requirements, or equipment needs.

Creating a callsheet may seem like a daunting task, but it is an essential part of any production.

This is where filmlet makes your life easy!

filmlet is a tool designed specifically for filmmakers to streamline the process of creating and distributing callsheets. It offers a range of features that help make the entire workflow fast, efficient, and organized.

One of the key benefits of using filmlet is its ability to generate callsheets automatically. By inputting the necessary information into the platform, such as shooting schedule, scene breakdown, cast and crew details, and special instructions, filmlet generates a professional-looking callsheet with a click of a button. This saves time and ensures that all the essential information is included in the callsheet. No more scanning the internet for good templates.

filmlet also simplifies the distribution of callsheets to the cast and crew. Instead of using multiple platforms or relying on manual methods, filmlet provides an integrated system to send callsheets directly to the recipients. Whether it's via a pdf, a web link or within the app, filmlet ensures that everyone involved in the production receives the callsheet promptly and conveniently.

Compared to manually creating and distributing PDF callsheets, filmlet significantly reduces the effort and time required. Instead of manually personalizing each callsheet and handling updates individually, filmlet automates the process and ensures that the right information reaches the right people in a timely manner.

filmlet enables filmmakers to have instant access to their callsheets. This accessibility is particularly beneficial when working on location or during travel, where mobile devices are more readily available. Users can easily view, update, and distribute callsheets right from their smartphones, providing flexibility and convenience in the fast-paced film industry.

How you can profit from using filmlet

Our mission is to empower storytellers like you to focus on what you do best—telling stories—while we handle the rest. We understand that filmmaking can sometimes be chaotic and overwhelming, but with filmlet, we aim to bring more clarity and organization to the process.

We want to show you just how amazing our callsheet tool is by offering your first project completely free. It's our way of inviting you to join us on this exciting journey and see for yourself how filmlet can transform your filmmaking process.

With less time spent on logistics and paperwork, you can dedicate more energy to the creative aspects of filmmaking. Let us take care of the details so you can focus on crafting unforgettable stories that captivate audiences. Together, let's bring more film and less chaos to your filmmaking journey.